As winter draws nearer, more and more people will be looking for some winter sun. However, one cause for concern is having to carry around a large amount of cash. For most people, this is the first time they will have such a substantial amount of money on them, especially if you have worked hard saving money to travel. This is an understandable worry. After, all the hazards of carrying around hundreds or even thousands of pounds/dollars are evident. If the money was lost or stolen, then you would have a disaster on your hands struggling to find a way to accumulate funds for the rest of your trip.
However, there are solutions when it comes to keeping your holiday money safe. Before you travel abroad with your pockets bulging with cash, we help you discover other options at your disposal.
However, there are solutions when it comes to keeping your holiday money safe. Before you travel abroad with your pockets bulging with cash, we help you discover other options at your disposal.
Traveller's Cheques
Traveller’s cheques are the most traditional method of carrying money whilst abroad, and have been used for many years. For those who are unaware, a traveller’s cheque is a pre-printed cheque of a fixed amount. When you are on vacation you can then exchange this cheque to receive cash in hand. Alternatively, there are a lot of places that will accept your cheque as a form of money and, therefore, you can pay for products, meals, services, and alike with your pre-printed cheques. Once you receive your cheque from the foreign exchange company in question, make sure you sign it. They are really easy to use – simply fill out the traveller’s cheque as you would with your usual chequebook. The great thing about traveller’s cheques is they are safe, easy to use, and extremely easy to obtain. Another benefit is the fact that you will be able to budget effectively because your cheques are pre-printed with the amounts on them.
Pre-paid credit card/cash passport
Another great method of keeping your holiday money safe is to use a cash passport. These are booming in popularity at the moment and are definitely an up and coming method. A cash passport looks exactly like a debit or credit card and works exactly the same. The only difference is a cash passport is prepaid – meaning you upload funds onto the card before you go away on vacation. The card can then be used worldwide to pay for anything. Obviously, this is a lot safer than paying for things with cash. Moreover, if your card gets stolen then the company you have purchased it from will have a procedure in place so your money is not lost. Furthermore, if you run out of money whilst you are away, you will be able to top up your card via the internet. It is as simple as that.
When on vacation, you not only have to consider the way you carry your money, but how you store it. This is where your choice of accommodation comes in. Make sure there is a safe included in your room deal. Click here for more information on suitable accommodation options that have safety in mind. Take your time to read reviews to ensure the accommodation doesn’t have a bad track record for room cleaners stealing things!
Traveller’s cheques and cash passports offer the best ways of keeping your holiday money safe whilst enjoying your vacation. It is highly recommended that you take advantage of one of these methods. After all, nobody wants to spend their whole vacation worrying about money!
Traveller’s cheques are the most traditional method of carrying money whilst abroad, and have been used for many years. For those who are unaware, a traveller’s cheque is a pre-printed cheque of a fixed amount. When you are on vacation you can then exchange this cheque to receive cash in hand. Alternatively, there are a lot of places that will accept your cheque as a form of money and, therefore, you can pay for products, meals, services, and alike with your pre-printed cheques. Once you receive your cheque from the foreign exchange company in question, make sure you sign it. They are really easy to use – simply fill out the traveller’s cheque as you would with your usual chequebook. The great thing about traveller’s cheques is they are safe, easy to use, and extremely easy to obtain. Another benefit is the fact that you will be able to budget effectively because your cheques are pre-printed with the amounts on them.
Pre-paid credit card/cash passport
Another great method of keeping your holiday money safe is to use a cash passport. These are booming in popularity at the moment and are definitely an up and coming method. A cash passport looks exactly like a debit or credit card and works exactly the same. The only difference is a cash passport is prepaid – meaning you upload funds onto the card before you go away on vacation. The card can then be used worldwide to pay for anything. Obviously, this is a lot safer than paying for things with cash. Moreover, if your card gets stolen then the company you have purchased it from will have a procedure in place so your money is not lost. Furthermore, if you run out of money whilst you are away, you will be able to top up your card via the internet. It is as simple as that.
When on vacation, you not only have to consider the way you carry your money, but how you store it. This is where your choice of accommodation comes in. Make sure there is a safe included in your room deal. Click here for more information on suitable accommodation options that have safety in mind. Take your time to read reviews to ensure the accommodation doesn’t have a bad track record for room cleaners stealing things!
Traveller’s cheques and cash passports offer the best ways of keeping your holiday money safe whilst enjoying your vacation. It is highly recommended that you take advantage of one of these methods. After all, nobody wants to spend their whole vacation worrying about money!