We will show you how to save money, and by following just some of these money saving tips, you will watch the pennies turn into pounds, or the cents turn into dollars.
The best way to save money is by making a few simple changes to your life. The easier it is, the more likely you are to stick with it.
We have done every single one of these money-saving ideas. We sold everything we owned to travel full time, and understand how every penny counts. We KNOW these tips work!
So let's get started ... Feet Do Travel show our 5 practical ways to save money for travelling.

Once you are in the right head-space, you will naturally start to see what you is essential, and what you can cut back on.

Once you evaluate the cost of the little things you buy, you will think twice about purchasing a multi-pack of crisps, etc!

If you do need to buy new clothes or a book, don’t buy it new as this will cost more. A book is just as good second-hand from Amazon or eBay than brand new from Waterstones. Charity shops are a great place to buy a new outfit if you have to buy one; not only are you getting a bargain but you are helping a worthy cause. If you really want to save money on outfits, car boot sales have items for £2 or even £1.
There are plenty of websites which offer coupon deals. Groupon or Living Social have daily discounts on everything from meals to haircuts. If you need to buy a present for someone you can purchase a spa day, massage, manicure etc or maybe an experience such as afternoon tea, driving a high-performance car or flying a bird of prey. All of which you can buy at half the normal cost.

If you set up a standing order or direct debit to transfer a set amount each month, you will quickly see your travelling fund grow!

eBay advertises that the average household has around £4,000 worth of “stuff” lying around that can be sold and wouldn’t be missed. We definitely found this to be true!
Get yourself up into the loft and have a look at what you are keeping “for a rainy day”. Root through the shed or the garage, open up your cupboards and drawers to see if you really need the latest “gadget” you bought 5 years ago but have never used.
There are so many places you can sell things – eBay, Gumtree, Amazon, Facebook, car boot sales. If you have collector’s items, there may be specialists who will pay you good money, so why wait??
You will be surprised at how much money you will make this way.

If you keep a tally of everything sold you will find it a great motivator as you watch the pounds adding up!
Think of it this way; if you sell a fancy dress outfit or a book for only £3.00 or £4.90, it doesn’t look like a lot – but if you add it to a spreadsheet and count it towards an overall sum, then ten items at £3.00 become £30.00, and that makes it feel more worthwhile! This is the best money saving tip we can give. It's the easiest way of watching your money grow.
Start saving …. and get travelling!!
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