Why do people do it? What does it feel like to have the breeze cool areas not usually on public display? Would I forget the wobbly bits and accept my body for what it is? We were born naked so would I feel comfortable being around others who were embracing that?
A five minute walk down the beach from where we were sunbathing in Negril, Jamaica, was a Couples nudist beach and so the temptation to go was too strong…
Once the decision was made I thought nothing more of it but Sy clearly felt differently. Every now and then he would say “I’m going to be naked in public” or “I’m going to rock out with my c**k out!”. Typical Sy.
We walked with our heads high into the ocean trying not to make eye contact with anyone and once we were in, we enjoyed not just the refreshing coolness of the water, but also the fact we were covered up! I have to admit, this type of skinny dipping was very liberating! Usually it was something you did on a summer holiday by moonlight following a night drinking with your friends, yet here we were in the middle of the day in bright sunshine showing off parts that are usually reserved for the shower or bedroom!
Speaking of naivety, Simon was always under the impression that only athletic body types would be on display applying the “if you got it, flaunt it” rule but he was also wrong… the people on this beach were from every generation (including your grandparents!) and were proud of whatever shape and size they were.
What was very evident was how wonderful it is how people were accepting one another simply for who they were and not for anything materialistic – now that was very refreshing! After a while we realised that any nervous feelings we may have had or if it ever crossed our minds about perverts or judgemental people, it was all completely unfounded! Everyone had a zero care-factor and no-one looked twice at us or anyone else!
Is a nudist beach about perversion or flaunting? No, it’s about FREEDOM!.
So our final few moments were spent drinking a refreshing cold drink whilst listening to the singing birds and feeling about as free as one.
We learnt two things from our nudist adventure, the first was that we actually prefer having a conversation with other people when they are wearing clothes and secondly, I don’t like the feeling of a sun burnt bottom!!