On 8 May 2016, we launched FeetDoTravel.com, it also happened to be David Attenborough’s 90th birthday but that’s a different matter!
When I decided to start blogging, I didn’t realise it would turn my world upside down... in an amazing way! I thought it would be a way to document all my travels both past and future, but I didn’t expect it to envelope my life and take over it! It’s been my choice to allow this to happen to me, I’m not saying everyone becomes this excited and obsessed by it, I just think that maybe I have finally found my calling!
At last, I have found what makes me happy and I can put the skills I have gained my entire life into what I love the most... travelling, and talking about it!
So, what have I learnt a year into the blogosphere?
2. Social Media has become a daily part of my life
3. It’s a massive community
4. You can make real online friends and meet people who are very loyal
5. I've been influenced on the different things to see and do around the world
6. I do things... just so I can blog about it!
7. My travel list of destinations just keeps on growing

As if I didn’t have enough on my “bucket list”! Due to the amazing blogs I read, I now find myself going places and doing new things I had never even heard of! Japan is now top of my bucket list of countries to visit due to the many amazing blogs I have read recently. Adding to my list isn’t a bad thing – on the contrary, it means I have more to write about! The ideas just keep on coming and I am having such a fun time.
Happy 1st Birthday to the FeetDoTravel website … I wonder what will happen during the next year … watch this space!
Has blogging changed your world in any way? Do you feel it has influenced your life? Please let me know in the comments below, I want to know!
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The #FeetDoTravel blog link-up!
We are proud to host the #FollowMeFriday blog Linkup. If you have a blog post you would like to share, feel free to click on the picture below which will take you through to our Facebook Community and drop your link there. The link-up is open from 3am Friday morning (UK time) and will close 8pm UK time Sunday. We are a fun and loyal group who are more than happy to comment, share and reciprocate! Happy Travelling Feet Fans!